Holding Abusive Therapists, Clergy, Bosses, Civic Leaders, Coaches and Other Trusted Professionals Accountable
Sexual or other abuse by clergy, Scout leaders, youth group leaders, day care, school employees, sports coaches and others
Tiwald Law represents victims of childhood sexual abuse regardless of age. We are aware that it takes courage to report or expose sexual abuse by persons of authority or influence. We protect our clients and their rights.
Children are profoundly influenced by adults and other authority figures they encounter. When the trust a child places in an adult is exploited by a sexual predator, the effects on the child’s psyche and life can be devastating and long-lasting.
Victims of childhood sexual abuse can suffer consequences for decades. Guilt, shame, embarrassment, self-loathing, depression, relationship difficulties, substance abuse, and other severe harms often result.
New Mexico law recognizes that many victims suppress their childhood abuse until well into their adult years. In New Mexico, victims can file suit against the perpetrator (and any organization the perpetrator worked for) until three years after the victim first discloses the abuse to a licensed medical or mental health care provider in the course of receiving healthcare or counseling. Or they can file suit before their 24th birthday, whichever date is later. Call Tiwald Law to determine the deadlines applicable to you or someone you know.
Sexual abuse by therapists and other trusted professionals
A therapist or other professional establishes a relationship of trust with their patient or client. They are required by law and ethics to maintain proper boundaries. When a therapist or other professional fails to maintain those boundaries and becomes sexually involved with a patient or client, serious harm can occur.
Tiwald Law has extensive experience representing victims of sexual abuse by professionals.
Please click here to visit our website on abuse by authority figures.
Please click here to visit our blog on abuse by authority figures.
Catastrophic Injury
Wrongful Death
Brain Injury
Civil Rights
Abuse by Authority Figures
Sexual Assault
Vehicle Collision
Worker’s Compensation
Insurance Bad Faith
It is extremely important to seek the advice of an experienced and knowledgeable attorney when you are in legal trouble. If you have been the victim of a personal injury due to the negligence, carelessness or abuse of another person, please contact us today to discuss your legal options.